Sleep Solution Packages

Once you have contacted me via phone, email, Facebook or Instagram, I will get back to you to assess the current sleep problem and tailor a sleep-troubleshooting package to your child's and your family's requirements.

Every child, parent and family is different and sleep issues can vary greatly, and, therefore, so do our plans. Whether you are breast feeding, cosleeping, bottle feeding, don't wish to allow your child to cry out, or have other siblings to consider, we will make a plan that you can feel comfortable with, that will make a real difference to your family life.

This includes:

  • A phone or e-mail consultation to discuss current routine and sleep issue.
    We will also discuss the possible options available to rectify the issues and we work
    together to come up with a manageable sleep solution strategy.
  • A comprehensive email detailing our agreed sleep plan.
  • Six weeks of full support via text, email or phone, so you are never alone in putting the plan in place and we can make changes along the way. This is key to the success
    of any sleep-solution program.

Price: £350

This includes:

  • Consultation to discuss current routine; sleep issue and parameters for moving
    forward to improve the situation.
  • A comprehensive emailed sleep plan
  • Daily email support for 6 weeks.

Price: £200

  • In person support in your home to implement the sleep plan.
  • Minimum of 3 x consecutive 24 hour period to be booked.
  • Follow up support

Please contact for price and availability.

In addition
I also offer

additional solution packages

Additional, practical hands on support during the program

This can be an invaluable source of support especially during the first couple of nights of the program.

Full maternity nurse packages

Night nanny packages