What is in my baby changing bag? – Newborn edition

I’m clearly ridiculously nosey as I love these blog posts by other people. I guess during a first time pregnancy you look at people carting round these snazzy baby changing bags and assume they contain a couple of nappies and a pack of wipes…… HA! Little did you know your bag will now contain practically everything – just like Mary Poppins.

I’ve heard the gasps of horror from THOSE mums (you know the ones) when you don’t have an emergency spare set of clothes for your baby and they decide to do an impromptu poonami at Baby Sensory! Hence I tend to be keen on packing everything I might need.

Georgie is now 10 weeks old. I’ve used numerous different bags throughout my career as a maternity nurse and as a mum and they are all pretty similar so like any fashionista (!!) I went for the changing bag which matches my pram (Joolz Day Two). Though it won’t now hook onto the pram handle ( I blame Daddy for loosing the joolz hooks) which drives me mad as Joolz don’t sell replacement pram hooks ….I digress.

At the moment I’m breastfeeding, so no bottles and no dummy so those are two missing essentials for some people. Georgie has been tongue-tied and as a result won’t take a bottle or a dummy despite much persuasion.

I have these dummy pods, which hook onto your bag or pram handle and these dummies, which are so cute. If I am bottle-feeding I tend to take ready made milk cartons and Dr Browns bottles.

So here it is …..the contents of my changing bag:

baby changing bag contents

Changing mat – came with the changing bag.

Water wipes – I love these wipes. They are more expensive but a great alternative for cotton wool and water for the little babies sensitive bums.

Mamia Aldi Nappies – wow these are amazing. I’m a total convert and at £2.19 for 44 it is SO cheap. We were bought a box of Pampers nappy but have had lots of leaks, none at all with Aldis.

Potionshop pure oil – a little mini bottle of organic oil. I love this brand. Handy for newborn babies dry little legs and so kind to their skin.

Neals yard barrier cream – AMAZING and another clean organic range! Georgie had horrendous nappy rash after she was born. The Drs. prescribed every cream under the sun and it just got worse to the point of it looking like a burn and even had broken skin. Used this and it was gone in 24 hours!

Carex antibacterial hand gel – not as good as washing your hands but handy for on the go. Plus this one is bubblegum scent!

Milton Wipes – I’m a bit anal about bleaching and sterilising so always have these in my bag. They can actually be used on teats and dummies, which is very handy.

Muslin – for all manner of sick/spillages/emergency nappy!

Giant muslin – I LOVE THESE! It’s a 100cm by 100cm bamboo muslin that I use as a breastfeeding cover up to preserve what dignity I have left but we also use them as a swaddle/blanket. They are super soft.

Breast pads – the glamour never ends!

Spare outfit. Any excuse to put her in a plain white baby gro – John Lewis does the best!

Muslin Comforter – I like babies to have a comforter as a sleep cue but from a safety point of view prefer muslin as its breathable (and easily replaced). These small muslin squares have a silk edge, which babies love to hold.

Toys – Georgie has a separate little bag pack from My First Years (with her name on!) for her toys which is left in the pram basket

Here is Georgie with her big sister and backpack :

baby my first years backpack

Finally a fab little changing clutch from Love Roo. I went for the Peter Rabbit fabric but everything is made to order (check out the shoes). It is so handy and roomy. Ideal to have in your handbag for older babies who don’t need a whole changing bag. I generally just take the clutch into a changing room with me rather than the whole bag.

Love Roo changing bag clutch


changing bag baby

I have three nappies, wipes, large cream and hand gel packed in mine and it has lots of room left.

There you have it… Georgie’s changing bag! As she grows and changes the contents will no doubt grow too to add snacks / teething granules/calpol etc but for now this is our daily little bag of tricks.

Georgie changing mat

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